Monday 26 May 2008

Inspiration this Bank Holiday Monday

He actually thinks he's helping.

I spoke too soon about all this sunshine and summer and eating al fresco business.... Man, what a crappy long holiday weekend. Giving me time for this bit of quilting - dueling quilt projects- that is. The blue one was started with my Mama, the quilt master, while I was in Tucson. I pulled it out when I got home and decided it was probably too hard for me - since I've never really sewn before and there's a lot of folding and circles involved. It's from the book Quiltagami! Origami inspired quilts. Fun.
Did I mention that my Mom gave me a sewing machine while I was visiting and I actually brought it back on the plane with us? Feeling a little guilty for not using the sewing machine that I hauled 6,000 miles yet, I started this little lap quilt instead that is inspired by the one in Doodle Stitching and will be embroidered with fun little birds and swirls. Looking out the window today and listening to my teeth chattering in the cold, I bought some down batting to keep my lap warm.

1 comment:

GreenishLady said...

I envy you your skill with fabric!

I've tagged you for a meme you might enjoy. Come on over.