Friday, 19 June 2009

On taking note

The best way to waste your life, ... is by taking notes. The easiest way to avoid living is to just watch. Look for the details. Report. Don't participate.

~Chuck Palahniuk

This is a desperate lunchtime (Calgon, take me away) post from my office at college. Exams are officially over now, which means that I have about 1 second to finish all of my marking and get grades posted before exam boards with other local universities next week. I don't think I ever appreciated how much marking my college lecturers had to do, it seemed to me at the time that Starman must have intuited all of my grades. (I only got to hear him say "Congratulations" in that robot voice for a 4.0 one time in my 6 or 7 years at UW - how about you?)

Chuck's definitely on to something, though I have to admit, I wish my students had taken more notes considering some of their exam results! Summer is palpable now, can you feel it from where you are?

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