Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Heath or Heather?

I can never remember which is the summer one - heath or heather? I have a sneaking suspicion its heath in the summer, but all I can hear in my head is that old Sonic Youth ditty - the bull in the heather...... Anyway, whichever it was was in full bloom when we hit the Peak District a couple weekends ago.
It was as if the mountains were laid to rest under a lavender blanket. Here we are, trying not to get blown away.
Copy cat.
Here's me, log rolling down the last bit of the descent. My legs were like rubber after a summer of convalescence, I'm back to jelly legs. You'd do it too and you know it.

I got a kick out of how idyllic the place was. Just get a load of this typical Derbyshire courtyard.Masochists that we are, not only did we hike up the Kinder Scout plateau, we went nuts on a bike ride around Derwent Water the next day on aching legs- 17 miles in all, but more of the pretty heath-heather background and the enormous slice of chocolate cake at the Woodbine Cafe at the end of the trail made it all worth it.

Monday, 8 September 2008

The Siamese Sunflower and Other Gardening Disasters

There must be something in the water. Speaking of things not going exactly as planned in the garden, have I mentioned that I lost the complete crop of tomatoes to tomato blight? It's so depressing! They were just starting to turn a scrumptious looking red and within about three days all 10 plants started turning black and withering away.

I had this bright idea that I wanted to grow my own pickling cucumbers and make gherkins, but despite a good showing of flowers, only got one cucumber!! Here he is in all his glory...With a little help from the farmer's market, there's no shortage of summer bounty on the table. The three colour zucchini is coming up trumps and we've got quite a few sugar snap peas as well. That photo below made a kick ass tofu stirfry!! Have you had romanesco cauliflower? It's the green geometric one shown below. It tastes like extra cauliflowery cauliflower. Mmmm.

As Busy As A...

And I'm not the only one.... Summer's grinding to a halt and with the onset of autumn comes a boat load of work to get going for the upcoming school year. Sorry I've been so quiet on the blog, but you know how it goes....
I've missed you guys! I'll make a sincere effort to post more often. See you soon. xx Bee