Monday 11 August 2008

Go Team GB?!!

Personally, I'm obsessed with the Olympics. There's just something about seeing sports you never get to see in your everyday normal life. Take the triple jump, for example. Or the pommel horse. Or fencing. Ping Pong. Archery. Synchronized Swimming. When else do you get a chance to see these kinds of things? I really can't wait until 2012, what a once in a lifetime experience to watch crazy fools cycle round a cereal bowl in the velodrome. I'm stoked.

The thing I don't really get is how blaze' the Brits are about the games. Take this opinion piece entitled Go on, admit it, Beijing is boring. Let's call off 2012 in this weekend's Observer - the paper I almost religiously read every Sunday. So far, I think this pretty accurately reflects the attitude I've come across here this first week of the Games. I'm excited, I try and talk to my co-workers, friends and even the check-out girl at the store and they simply shrug their shoulders and say something like, I'm not really bothered about it. What? You're not bothered? But it's the Olympics! I plead. TV coverage is limited to daytime (while everyone's at work) and live coverage in the wee hours overnight. There's only a one-hour recap in prime time on BBC1 - which simply shows the heats that Team GB were involved in and not much else. It's really disappointing for a big fan like myself.

1 comment:

the hunter said...

We love it!!! We've been propping our eyes with toothpicks for the last two weeks- the games are on until the wee hours of the morning. AND! i've not even batted a jealous eyelash at my beach volleyball obsessed husband. HA!