Sunday 16 November 2008


Align LeftWhen the mail was slipped through the door yesterday afternoon, there was the regular junk mail and circulars and other useless crap and among them lay a catalogue from a fabric company I ordered online from once. This quilt was on the cover and my mind keeps wandering back to it.

I love the big blocks of fabric that show off the bold fabrics he designs. I love the contrast of aqua and red, and the interplay of the subtle and bright - like dappled sunlight on the forest floor - but blues and reds, hot and cold, fire and ice. With the onset of winter just around the corner, I can imagine nothing so comforting as to cuddle up under this with a lap cat, a good read and a steaming cup of hot cocoa. (speaking of good reads - have you read the Glass Castle? so good!)

Do I dare suggest that I might be capable of tackling a project of this magnitude? If ever there was a quilt that might encourage me to take the plunge it is this one.

And the local quilt shop is selling it as a kit! So I don't even have to sort out the fabrics' yardage or colours or patterns or anything, since I'm not yet savvy enough to venture that on my own. That is, without my quilitin' mama here to guide me! Tempting little Kaffe...

Did I mention that I was offered my dream job a couple weeks ago? I'm going to be teaching Animal Science full time at the local college starting winter term. My timetable looks to be the fun stuff like Animal Behaviour, Wildlife Conservation and Habitat Management, Ethics of Animals in Captivity, Wildlife Rehabilitation and the like.... How lucky am I? Talk about being in the right place at the right time! Having said that, I just don't know where I'll find the time to start a proper quilting project in the midst of all that preparation and assignment marking. But we'll have to wait and see.....