As far as the lanterns are concerned, I'm having second thoughts about the glue dots I used. I think when I make more, I'll use a hot glue gun. As the jars warmed up from the candle flame, all of my hard work slithered to the ground. Another consideration is lighting the tea lights. Sure, I should just get some of those long handled matches or punks I think they're called. I've been thinking about actually filling them with wax and making my own candles instead, but perhaps that defeats the purpose of all the bedazzling.....To see the original post and if you're wondering how or why I made them click here.
Have I mentioned that I found out today that I got that job I wanted so badly? Okay, time to congratulate me - I got the job! I can now add librarian to my long list of occupations. And not just any librarian, but an academic librarian! Okay, Assistant Librarian. I'll be working for a local community college that specializes in the 'land based' studies, that's British for anything forestry, agriculture, aboriculture, landscape architecture, gardening, animal husbandry, equine studies including horse training and shoeing and ferriering, blacksmithing, or last, but not least, veterinary nursing related. I could spend years in that library just exploring considering it specializes in just about everything I've ever been interested in. In fact, I did stay for an hour or more after my interview just going through some of the books and journals. There's this one title on the Arts and Crafts Garden that really got my wheels turning. My husband insisted this was an interview faux pas and I should have left gracefully and immediately after the humiliation of talking about how I'm a team player in front of a panel of five heavies from the Dean's office. I think it may just have won me the gig. I start the first week of November, updates to follow, I'm sure.
Thanks for sharing your ideas and your life with us
Civano Neighbor
Congrats B-rock! The library sounds sweet, and I could easily get lost in there with you! I love your blog, it's so good to hear your "voice" and catch all the craftiness you've been up to. Whenever I listen to CP's "Greatest" I now think of you....xoxo and hi to The King!
Thanks ladies! It's so nice to know that at least someone is actually reading this and I'm not just posting my thoughts to the bottomless internet pit. Cheers! the queen bee
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