Since it's Thursday, I thought I should do an entry about a finished object. Unfortunately for me, my life got in the way this week and I had to turn elsewhere to find a recent one. So, instead I decided to show you the wedding quilt my Mom made us. I'm absolutely in love with this quilt! Maybe she can tell you more about it (Mom are you out there?) but what I love about it most is it's randomness. It's this sort of avant-garde departure from the more traditional pineapples and montana cartwheels she's made in the past. This lady's got talent! I've been trying to talk her into starting her own blog, so hopefully soon we'll be seeing much more of her work. Fingers crossed!

I like the intergalactic quilting and the happy little stars around the borders.

My favorite bit about all these 2 inch squares that there's always a new fabric to find every time I look at it. Just yesterday I noticed a kitty that I hadn't seen in the 6 months that I've had this on the bed! Last week it was a hummingbird I'd found. All subtle little messages.

I love the range of colors and the sort of randomness of their placement. The only bit I'm not totally crazy about is the half number 4 shape of the lightest colors in the center of the quilt. (sorry mom!) You don't really notice it in person, but it sure pops up in photos. And since I spend most of my time admiring it from under the covers, and not looking at photos of it, who really cares!

P.S. Have you thought any more about the first
Queen Bee News Contest? What to do with those four gorgeous skeins of hand dyed
Alaskan Alpaca? Get yer thinking caps on!
Mom here! I must say that your quilt was one of the most fun to make. No sewing a couple of hundred blocks, all the same, as in your sister's wedding quilt and as I worked on hers for over two years! Yours went together really fast and I fell in love with each little 2" square. I love fabric above all things and in your quilt I got to look and touch probably a thousand different fabrics. Anyone who quilts knows that we quilters have a fabric "stash" hidden from our husbands, which we add to on almost a daily basis. I can't walk down an aisle of fabrics without coveting each and every one of them, including those with little cows or monkeys that I can't imagine how I would use them. However, I have a little stash of those "novelty" fabrics too, just waiting for that inspiration to come in the middle of the night, thus Brooke, why you have the little kitties and hummingbirds peeking out of your quilt here and there. I think there are a couple of bees and I know there is a dragon fly or two, since they are my favorite thing.
Your quilt is called a "water color" quilt and it's all about the use of color. A lot of water color quilters try to make something out of the squares, like houses, gardens, fish, hearts, etc., but I liked the idea of just pushing the colors around.
Sorry about the design flaw, but half swastika? That seems a little harsh. I don't like the fact that that came to your mind, now I'll never be able to get that out of my head either. It was supposed to make you think of a "quark". or my idea of what a "quark" may look like. I don't know what a "quark" is, I think it's some kind of space term but I love the word and I really thought I got it in the quilt.
I quilt nearly every day and currently have about 4 or 5 projects going. The next big one is going to be for your step sister, Tanya in Montana. I haven't decided exactly what I'm going to make even though she picked one out last year with you. I'm not quite sold on the design, I think, based on the quilts she picked out, that I know what she likes and now I'll find one that has those qualities and I'll find one that I want to do!
You're right, half swastika is way harsh! It was just the first thing that came to my mind, and you know how hard it is to turn my mouth filter on. I honestly never noticed it before taking the photos. Isn't that strange? Sorry about the negative connotations!
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